Apparently, these boots will make me the "coolest dad in the entire world ever!" Hmmm...sounds like I'm being played (smile).
For this blog, I wanted to share this word from my brother in Christ, Rev Will Lee. This brother was instrumental in bringing me to my current church home at EBC. He was the intercessor that prayed for me that day in December 2004 when I stumbled into the sanctuary grief-stricken over the brokenness that imparted onto someone that use to sing in EBC’s choir. I came to apologize, and God introduced me to Rev. Lee.
I am eternally grateful that he let me weep and wail all over his lapel and hasn’t made of fun of me about it since (lol). Good look Rev Lee.
It’s bullet proof B.K. love! Brooklyn Stand Up!!!
( ( ( sDOTcast ) ) ) now playing Rev Will Lee“His Momma & His Disciple!” (Ai the Ministry) – Jersey City, NJ – John 17:41
Ai the Ministry Rev. Will Lee, Senior Pastor 701 Route 440 South Jersey City NJ 07305 Phone: 201.414.2416 E:
If you or someone you know in New Jersey is seeking a church home, I highly recommend Ai the Ministry. This planted congregation of EBC is growing and remains uniquely connected to the community as a preaching and teaching fellowship that speaks with authenticity.
Click by to check out the one-on-one exclusive interview with CH20 for the first book, “OVERCOMING the BOOTY: Breaking the Sex Hex” it’s real talk, for real people about real things.
First of all, I want to congratulate my sister in Christ, Patricia Tyson, a wonderfully anointed composer who recently completed this inspiring song, "Change We Can Believe In" inspired by our new President-Elect, Barack Obama. Now, I've been asking Pat to write me a ministry theme song with "change" as central theme for over a year and to hear this, I'm now making it our official anthem. I'm glad that she wrote this awesome song, enjoy!
( ( ( sDOTtv ) ) ) now playing King College Prep“Change We Can Believe In”
The Inauguration Song by Patricia Tyson
Recently, I've come across a few situations which have led me to realize that some people are unclear about my faith, because I don't shout J-E-S-U-S after every sentence, and they don't hear me pretending to be a 'holier-than-thou' highroller.
Well, deal with it.
I've been a disciple of Christ for 10 years, and the 1st 5 or 6 were spent mired in carnality, like many folks that classify themselves as "Christians." That classification sadly has become something of a misnomer (unsuitable name or descriptor) for those that proclaim Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. I'm embarrassed oftentimes when I hear of the atrocities that people continue to suffer at the hands of Christians (myself included in there too).
We are doing such a sucky (can't think of a real word, so deal with it) job of sharing the saving message of hope, peace and deliverance with the lost, least and last on the lowest rungs of society. Our preoccupation with 'spiritual etiquette' is literary making us less relevant and responsive to people simply begging to know God.
There are times when I'm so heavenly minded that I'm no earthy good... Now, don't make me start pointing at a few you (so, I'll expects some 'amens' below).
This is why I have personally stopped beating people over the head with just the Bible and not showing its practical, livable application to their everyday lives. Yes, oftentimes my blogs present Scripture as allegories to illustrate a contemporary point. Some of your legalistic pharisees have reached out and then once I've dealt with you, deleted yourself because you thought you could tell me how-to man the post that God has assigned me to. This is my walk with God, not yours. Where were you when...
True, there have been moments when some of the content might have been somewhat controversial and in hindsight, even inappropriate.
Which is why I'm so glad, YOU DON'T HAVE A HEAVEN OR HELL TO PUT ME IN. Get over it! That's God's decision, not yours. So, if you've clicked by 'myspace' notice that 'my' with the sole purpose of trying to pillage through my blogs and comments for fodder for your little posts - have a great time. You are really advancing the Kingdom by that. Yes, God is so glorified by your spending your time unproductively mining my blogs for your ramblings.
Let me make a suggestion to you...DO SOMETHING!
DO ANYTHING. But in God's Name, please establish a personal relationship with God beyond all that 'intellectual faith' that you're hiding behind. I've been there and it's a lonely place. When you've matured in your walk, you'll notice that Christ met the people wherever they were in life. But He remained holy not in spite of, but because of His circumstances. He's a Light Bearer in a darken world. I follow Christ. Therefore, I meet the people wherever they are, and I don't lead them to purchase CDs, DVDs to McFaith messages that are watered-down garbage, I point them to the Cross where they should kneel in repentance. Just like I did.
Which is why the 1st chapter of the book is FREE. That's right FREE. Why? Because as the Lord has freely given, so too shall I give. It alllows those with discerning minds to test the fruit of my lips against the revealed character of the will and Word of God, before purchasing the whole book. That's not just good marketing, that's responsible stewardship.
I can't save anyone. Any person that tries to deify me, I delete them from my friends or deal with them accordingly, period. But, don't act like you're on myspace as the 'super apostle' to police the social media spectrum when you're peddling your refrieded sermons that you just insert the latest controversy or trend into the title; repackaged conferences where people become your 'ministry partners' but don't ever receive anything of any tangible value; and promoting your 'brand name' (after you nonetheless) ministry that hasn't been relevant since you came into church crying...way back when.
So, what led me to make this statement you might ask? Well, I came across a brother's blog that asked, "What Do You Stand For?" and it got me to thinking. Now, I believe that man of God was well-meaning in posing this question, so my issue was not to take offense by his words. On the contrary, it led me to make the following reply to his blog:
"When I began in myspace, I was very sanctuary-minded in my profile. It drew a lot saints at first, but they usually only wanted to gossip, backbite and speak against their leadership. This was disheartening, as I moved beyond my infancy, I opened up my virtual sanctuary to the unsaved and seeking, after 1st outlining a very specific "friends" policy. This has not been 100% effective, but it puts forth my values as a man of God, first and foremost. Folks often come with their own agendas, oftentimes it's a 'Sunday widow' seeking a brother that's saved and loves God, who she's willing to try to holla at. These are my sisters in Christ, and I call them "sis" without crossing that line. Their virtual crushes from their desktops are their issues, not mines. I cant pretend that a woman walking in her divine purpose hasn't ever been attractive to me. She's supposed to. But, I'm here for God. I believe that we are not called to erect towers where we simply babble about spiritual matters while the unrepentant wallow in filth. We are called to go out and invite them to the Banquet. So, with that said, I began to reevaluate my methodology, not my theology. I recognized that just as Christ met the prostitute, cheat and drunkard where they are, so too as a follower in the Way of Truth, that is the Father, Son & Holy Spirit, must I. I do not esteem myself above the Lord, I follow Him. So, with that said, simply be open to the Holy Spirit, remain where God places you and exude the example of Christ's love to all that come seeking the Kingdom. Point them lovingly to repentance, and remember we cannot judge the unsaved by the standards of the righteous their ears and eyes do not see truth. That's what we're called to reflect by being here." - Reply to blog, "What Do You Stand For?"
So, I ask the same question that my brother in Christ asked of me, "What Do You Stand For?"
Oh, and some of you folks have been in churches for years and it's a crying shame that you still don't know how to pray for people. Grow up already, so that God can show up in your circumstances. For those of you newer in your walk, or just simply uncertain about prayer (I've been there too, that's why I started writing them out and them God couldn't get me to shut up) here's somethng from one of the Bible study groups I facilitates handouts that I wrote:
Prayer Etiquette 101
People with demons have feelings too. Trying to sweep clean a house that the other person doesn’t think is dirty is useless. They’ll only let it get even dirty again. In fact, it most likely will get even dirtier. True deliverance only comes after a person recognizes their need for healing from a heritage of hurtfulness. That’s why it’s insensitive to just grab people’s hands and start yelling, “Come out demon” all in public.
The proper method, if possible, is to take them aside and ask to pray for them. Give them an opportunity to open their heart to the Gospel.
Once they’re open to prayer, ask if there’s anything they would like to specifically pray about. Listen discerningly.
Fill your mind with the Holy Spirit and pray something like this, “I pray for _________, that they…(they’re specified issue or concern addressed first and foremost to bring them into agreement) and I speak to the ________ (however the demon is manifested in their life, it’s attributes – lust, sickness, slothfulness, etc) and take authority in the Name of Jesus. I command ___________ (affliction) to leave and not return, right now in the Name of Jesus.”
I wanted to share these photos that I've gathered of God's anointed leader for our nation, Barack Obama with his daughters. His fortitude as a man of principle that stands on the integrity of his words, rather than hiding behind speechwriters continually inspires me to reach for my own milestones in life.
Recently, I began spearheading the marketing for the Real Dads Network ( which is holding it's 2nd annual 'Daddy Daughter Dance' on February 7th (stay tuned for details).
I love when my daughter tells me our little "secrets"
Being a dad gives you an excuse to be silly...
Even when you're tired they give you energy
To all of the Elijahs of this generation, thank you for standing in the gap for this called and sent generation. None of us are perfect, but we are committed to being perfected and that's what fatherhood is about.