Friday, August 22, 2008

Saint and Aints

Beloved Community of Christ,

Oftentimes in the sphere of social networking (myspace, facebook, etc.) there is often a campaign to silence the saints by aints that have ears and eyes that refuse to acknowledge the Way of Truth - Father, Son & Holy Spirit, which is why I am thankful for "thefaithspot" as a gathering place for us. However, we must remember that Father has not called us out of darkness to create enclaves of spiritually bourgie folks that have amnesia. We are to be consecrated and then go back out there to reflect the Light as Truth Bearers for the Good News.

I caution each of you to not form little cliques that blind you from the work that is to be done towards helping rescue the last, lost and least. Remember, that ALL of us are called out of darkness (even the unregenerate) and because you have answered does not place you above those that are still bound, it means you have been saved to serve the greater glory of our Yahweh, our Father God in heaven.

I challenge you to move beyond the pews and to go out and make disciples (not merely go out trying to hoodwink and turn "seekers" into tithers) of those desiring transformational change through the message of hope, peace and deliverance that is the FULL Gospel of the Kingdom (from Genesis to Revelation).

Let us pray: Father God, I ask You to surround me with a hedge of protectors from on High. Dispatch Your holy angels to wage war against the enemies of the Way of Truth. Break the teeth of those that speak falsehood and desire to separate Your beloved from Christ in community. Cast out the doubters and shouters of unspeakable blasphemies. Silence their lying, deceitful tongues. Fill my mouth with praise for You. Lift my hands in joyful jubilee at Your Presence in my life. Guide me with Your Holy Spirit, leading me away from the snares of the enemy. Gird me in the Way of Truth. Cleanse me of my sins of omission and commission, both known and unknown with the Blood of the sacrificing Savior, Yahushua (Jesus) Christ the King, amen, amen, amen.

Until next time...

To God be the Glory!!!

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